Follow these instructions if you signed up for an account directly from If signed up via Shopify App Store, the system will automatically integrate with your Shopify store.

OSI Affiliate Software can easily be integrated with Shopify.


When setting up an affiliate program for your Shopify store, you will be able to reward your affiliates a percentage of the order total or a fixed amount of money for each referred sale. You also have an option to reward a gift card such as an Amazon gift card or any gift item. 

To get started. Log in to your admin dashboard with OSI and click set up software.

Step 2. Click Get Thank You Page Code and select Shopify from the list.

Step 3. Select Shopify from the drop-down list and click on the Copy button.

Step 4. Log in to your  Shopify account and click on Settings then Checkout.

Step 5. Paste the sales tracking code under the Additional Script and Save.

Note: If there is an existing script, do not remove it and just place the code below it.

Step 6. To test the Integration, create a test account, go to configure sign-up page, and then view the sign-up page. 

Once the affiliate is logged in they will see their dashboard. 

Copy the link and paste it to a different tab.

Once the order is complete you will see it on your admin account and in affiliate dashboard with OSI.

Note : Shopify allows you to use these variables:{{total_price|money_without_currency}},{{subtotal_price|money_without_currency}} and {{order_number}}.
That's it! You are now integrated with Shopify.