If you have Stripe for your website and you are looking to set up your own affiliate program, this can be easily done. If you do not already have an affiliate software system you can sign up for one of the OSI Affiliate Software Plans.
If you're using an embedded Stripe Checkout button, refer to this article instead:
Stripe Checkout integration instructions
After you have your Affiliate Software account set up the integration into Stripe is really easy. Simply follow the steps below.
Step 1. Go to your OSI Affiliate Software and click on the Referral Programs from the Dashboard, and click on the blue pencil icon of the referral program you want to set up for a recurring commission.

Step 2. Click Show Advanced Settings.

Step 3. Enable recurring commission, select commission type, add amount or percentage, select Match Email, and click Continue. And on the next page, click Finish.

Step 4. Click on Dashboard and select Set Up Software. Next, is click on Link Software to My Store

Step 5. Select Stripe Payment Gateway from the drop-down list. Click Connect to Stripe button and copy code to your webpage.
Note: Update the amount, transaction, and customer_email with the actual variables. Send us an email at [email protected] if you need further assistance on this.

Now recurring sales would be added to affiliate users after Stripe subscription intervals. You can check all recurring sales. Go to “Manage Recurring Transactions” from Dashboard